Combine paste, lime leaves, coriander roots and stems, and half the chilli in a small bowl. Rub fish fillets with mixture; cover, refrigerate for 1 hour or overnight.
Preheat oven to 220°C.
Place kumara in a small saucepan, cover with cold water; bring to the boil, simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes or until just tender, drain.
Cut two pieces of foil 50cm x 30cm; place on work surface, shiny-side up. Lay two 48cm x 30cm pieces of baking paper over foil.
Divide kumara and fish mixture between paper, drizzle with juice. Fold foil over to completely enclose fish and kumara.
Place fish parcels on a large baking tray. Bake parcels for 15 minutes or until fish is cooked through. Discard coriander roots and stems.
Meanwhile, rinse and drain quinoa well. Place in a small saucepan, cover with water; bring to the boil, boil for 10 minutes or until tender, drain.
Serve fish with quinoa; top with coconut milk, remaining chilli and coriander leaves.
We used snapper for this recipe. The parcels can be made to the end of step 5 and refrigerated for up to 1 day in advance. Heat reflects off the shiny side of aluminium foil, so having the shiny side facing into the parcel ensures maximum heat penetrating the fish.