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Poached salmon with asaparagus, rocket and risoni salad

Poached Salmon with Asaparagus, Rocket and Risoni Salad


Poached salmon with asparagus, rocket and risoni salad


Poached salmon with asparagus, rocket and risoni salad

1.Cut asparagus into 2-3cm lengths, keeping the tips separate.
2.Bring large pot of salted water to the boil; add risoni. After 6 minutes, add asparagus stems; one minute later, add asparagus tips. Cook for a futher one minute, then drain and refresh in cold water.
3.Meanwhile, place 3cm water in a large frying pan; place over medium heat. Run your fingers over the thickest part of the salmon and remove any small bones with tweezers. Place salmon, skin-side down, in pan. When simmering cover and reduce heat. Cook for 6-10 minutes, or until cooked as desired.
4.Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a small frying pan; add cherry tomatoes. Cook over a high heat, tossing frequently, until skins begin to burst. Remove tomatoes and deglaze pan with verjuice. Mix pan juices with remaining oil and rind; season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to make a dressing.
5.Place risoni mixture in large, shallow serving dish. Stir through rocket leaves, green onions and dressing.
6.Remove skin from salmon and discard. Break salmon up and scatter over risoni salad with tomatoes and parsley.

Substitute verjuice with 1 tablespoon white wine and 1 tablespoon water, if unable to buy.


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